Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The Bible says, without a vision, the people will perish. Conversely, without a people, the vision will perish. The vision of the Great Commission that our Savior Jesus Christ gave His followers, to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, is our privilege and responsibility. 
Acts 1:8 gives us a strategy for how to do this. It says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

How do we interpret this for our lives at this time? The scripture teaches us that we have four spheres of influence:

Your Jerusalem

Your Judea

Your Jerusalem is your personal relationship with Christ, your family and church family! You can’t reach the world for Jesus if you haven’t given your heart to the LORD. You must be born again!  Then learn how to lead people to Jesus.
Your Judea is your neighborhood, your workplace and your community. You are a missionary and this is where you serve! Your missions giving helps to support several local outreaches and ministries which are part of your Judea. We are also continuing to plant more local churches in the Greater Cincinnati area and beyond.

Your Samaria

Your Samaria is your nation. Your missions giving supports several US missionaries that serve in some of the most difficult areas of our country and the most marginalized people in our country. We also plant churches in areas beyond our Judea such as Milddlesboro, KY.

The Ends of the Earth

We want to reach all the world for Jesus! Your missions giving supports a number of world missionaries and missions organizations who serve on the front lines.

2025 Missions Giving Goals


Last year, our LifeChurch members and friends
gave a total of $49,096.27


Our 2025 Missions Fund Goal is $70,000
There are many ways you can help

Join the mission

We also want to encourage you to pray over all our missionaries. Being on the front lines is a spiritually intense position and prayer is so needed.
If you would like to send an encouraging note or care package, please call the church office.

Please pray then fill out your family’s 2025 Missions Faith Promise.  Once you’ve made your Faith Promise, please begin faithfully giving your monthly missions pledge or one-time gift.

2025 Missions Faith Promise

We want to encourage you to consider giving 2% of your income, above the tithe. If you are already one of our faithful givers to missions at LifeChurch, please pray about increasing your monthly Faith Promise as the Holy Spirit leads you.

100 givers at $1,000 per year ( $85/month ) = $100,000


200 givers at $500 per year ( $42/month ) =  $100,000

Or pray & choose a different amount