
Pastors & Staff

Randy Rice

Lead Pastor

My wife Kimberly and I have been in ministry together for over 30 years.  We believe everyone has a God-given purpose, and it is our purpose in life to help equip and empower you in the Word of God, to walk in the Spirit and live a life of total victory in Christ. It’s been our privilege to love and serve our great King Jesus Christ, His glorious bride the Church and to be a part of His Great Commission to reach the neighborhoods and the nations with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.  God Bless You!

Bryan Hart

Associate Pastor

Deb Hanson

Worship Leader

Jim Meyer

LifeKids Pastor

Brittni & Simeon Tibbs

Ignite Youth; LifeChurch Pantry

Tina Manion

Women's Ministry

Dave Traxler

Treasurer; Property Manager

Teresa McCabe


Pastor Request 

If you are in need of a Pastor's services please submit the following information