We suggest arriving a little early to allow for time to check-in. Just walk on up to the check-in desk for where our LifeKids volunteers can assist you, or help yourself with self electronic check-in. We have a nursery for toddlers,  preschool for 3 to 5-year-olds and a worship experience for kids K-5 in our Children’s Chapel.

A place to grow in Christ

Sundays 10:30 am

Family Night Wednesdays 7:00 pm

We worship Jesus and present the gospel
for kids birth through elementary school

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

A place where Kids encounter the love of Jesus and...

Learn the fundamental truths of the Bible

Experience Holy Spirit lead services

Play and learn in an environment just for kids

Connect with friends and
learn to pray together

Witness salvation and baptisms

Know they are cared for


At LifeChurch we love celebrating together.
We regularly have age-specific worship in the Children’s Chapel and Youth Sanctuary. There is great value in offering students have the freedom to worship the Lord in ways that are developmentally appropriate.

We also encourage  families to worship  the Lord together. We will communicate with parents in advance when we have special services where students of all ages will join their families in the Main Sanctuary for worship & communion.


Q: What will my child do during service?

A: Kids will experience a hybrid of media, characters, worship music, puppets, games and teaching.
Parents are welcome to observe!

Q: Do you serve food? What if my child has food allergies?

A: We do not serve breakfast but do offer snacks during service. We may also give out candy for prizes.
Please let us know if your child has a life-threatening food allergy when registering your child. 

Q: My child is asking about being baptized. What should I do?

A: In LifeKids we teach about the meaning of salvation and water baptism regularly, and would love to continue that discussion with you and your child in preparation for being water baptized. Baptisms can happen whenever your child understands and is ready, just talk to Pastor Jim.

Q: My child wants to know more about Jesus. What should I do?

A: We look forward to seeing your children grow deeper in their walk with Jesus and encourage you to pray with your child every day. We can also give your child a Bible and suggest they attend our Wednesday Children's Service. 

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Questions about LifeKids?